Equality-Fair workplace
The goal of CGSoft is to offer equal opportunities to all its employees, while, in terms of employment, it promises to not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, ethnic or national origin, age, special needs, sexual orientation, political beliefs, gender or marital status. In matters of employment, recruitment, compensation and benefits, training, promotion, transfer and termination, we will treat each person fairly, according to their ability to meet the requirements and standards of their role. No employee shall be subjected to physical, sexual, racial, psychological, verbal or any other form of harassment or violence. CGSoft is committed to ensuring that procedures are in place, in order to identify problems in the implementation of this standard, and to address them promptly and effectively.
Prohibited conduct under this policy
- Discrimination
α) It is a violation of this policy to discriminate, in the provision of employment opportunities, benefits, or privileges, to create discriminatory working conditions, or to apply discriminatory evaluation criteria in employment, if that treatment is based, in part or in whole, on race, the person’s color, origin, age, religion, special needs, gender, sexual orientation or marital status.
b) It is CGSoft’ s policy to fully comply with all applicable labor laws, including anti-discrimination laws.
c) In case of discrimination in violation of this policy, very serious sanctions will be imposed, which may reach up to the termination of the employment relationship.
- Harassment
The current policy prohibits harassment of any kind, and CGSoft will take appropriate action to address any violation of this policy. Harassment is defined as: verbal or physical conduct intended to threaten, intimidate or coerce. Also, verbal abuse (including racial and ethnic slurs) that, in the employee’s judgment, interferes with his or her ability to perform his or her job.
- Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment of any kind is prohibited under the current policy. Sexual harassment is defined as unsolicited sexual advances, solicitations for sexual exchanges, and any other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, when the acceptance or rejection of that conduct is used as a basis for making employment decisions, or when the conduct has purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.
We are committed to ensuring that we comply with all applicable equality laws and that employees have access to formal, non-retaliatory complaint procedures for making allegations of violations of this policy. As part of our commitment to equal opportunities, we will monitor our achievements and publish an annual report.
A fair workplace
We respect the fundamental rights of our employees, aiming to create an open, inclusive and positive work environment. Our policies on human rights and equal opportunities are widely communicated and are integrated into management training programmes. In addition, our Supplier Guiding Principles program sets out similar expectations for the work environments of our suppliers.
Our human rights policy requires that we uphold the UN Global Compact and the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Child labor is expressly prohibited and appropriate checks are made during recruitment.
- Human rights
Our human rights policy requires that we uphold the UN Global Compact and the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Child labor is expressly prohibited and appropriate checks are made during recruitment. Our employees and managers are trained in the implications of human rights in day-to-day business and we monitor our performance.
- Equal opportunities
We are committed to providing an inclusive workplace where all of our employees are treated fairly and equally. Our equality of opportunity policy protects against discrimination and ensures equality of opportunity and fair treatment for all.
- Employee relations
We respect our employees’ right to freedom of association: to join or not to join trade unions and to engage in collective bargaining. We consult employees, unions and our European Works Council about major business developments and issues of shared concern.