Environmental Policy

The company CGSoft firmly committed to conducting all its business activities, with a sense of social responsibility and taking due account of the impact that achieving its economic growth goals can have on the environment. The company considers that the environment is the responsibility of all of us and all employees have a share of responsibility for the environmental achievements of the company. The goals of CGSoft are the continuous improvement in the observance of environmental standards and at the same time, the minimization of any negative impact on the environment.

To meet these goals, CGSoft:

  • Conducts its business activity in accordance with applicable law and applies high environmental standards within the company.
  • Incorporates in the business planning process, environmental strategies, and objectives in order to ensure that environmental impact management remains an integral part of its operations.

  • Identifies environmental issues, sets environmental goals, monitors results, and monitors processes to evaluate its achievements.
  • Identifies and implements ways to improve the efficiency with which materials and resources are used and recycle waste.
  • Commits to protecting the climate by reducing energy use and carbon dioxide emissions from air conditioners and other appliances.

  • Encourages and provides the appropriate equipment to employees to identify and take advantage of improvement opportunities in the areas where they work.

The responsibility for supervising the implementation of this policy rests with the Head of Quality.