To CGSoft and the Thesis Property Suite suite of specialized applications that it has been offering for years, the award of the open tender for the supply of a Real Estate Asset, Project & Facility Management system for ETAD SA, after particularly demanding procedures in terms of the technical and other specifications of the solutions offered. The size of ETAD’s real estate base (the largest in Greece with more than 70,000 properties), their complexity, but also, above all, the criticality of such a choice, as it is directly linked to the protection and optimal management of the State’s real estate -that is, all of us- and the preservation of the country’s natural and cultural assets, make this choice particularly honorable and at the same time important for our company.
The Public Real Estate Company S.A. (ETAD S.A.) is currently the largest company managing and developing the private real estate of the State and is a subsidiary of the Hellenic Holdings and Property Company (EESYP), within the framework of Law 4389/2016. It was formed through the merger of 4 large real estate management and development companies, namely, Hellenic Tourist Properties, Olympic Properties, the Public Real Estate Company and Coastal Attica Front. The Company, which operates in the public interest, has as its main purpose the optimal utilization of the real estate assets that are or will be included in its portfolio. ETAD’s goal is not only short-term financial performance, but primarily the creation and securing of value, through appropriate investments and the exploitation of potential synergies and strategic alliances, in order to actively contribute to the creation of a long-term, sustainable and competitive advantage for the country.
The Thesis Property application suite offers, within a single environment, a multitude of state-of-the-art applications, fully adaptable to the specialized needs of each business, with practically unlimited possibilities and facilities for managing small or very large real estate portfolios both in Greece and abroad, thereby strengthening the business’s position in the increasingly competitive international environment and allowing it to make timely and with full knowledge of real-time data, the best decisions for it and its real estate. The products offered are based on globally accepted technologies with a huge installed base, thus ensuring their continuous updating, longevity and ultimately securing your investment in the future. CGSoft’s dominant position in this market, and in particular in particularly demanding sectors of it, but also in a multitude of other facilities, is practical proof of the trust we enjoy, as well as the ability of all our executives to qualitatively execute corresponding projects. Convinced that we can meet all of the immediate and future requirements of every interested party, in a single and integrated environment, we remain at your disposal and invite you to get to know it and make use of it.