CRM, ΒΙ, Electronic Protocol and special application Pipeline Construction Management

Customer Profile
Blacksmith’s associated engineers is a dynamic company engaging metal welding, quality control inspection and heavy industry projects. The main scope of the projects undertaken by Blacksmith’s relates to supervision and management of welding operations and ancillary non-destructive testing. The integrated quality control and management services offered by Blacksmith’s allow it to implement similar projects from scratch. Also, its executives assess and set existing systems for optimal adaptation to individual needs, providing significant added value to the overall project management.Currently Blacksmith’s, with a leading presence throughout Greece, as well as with successful projects beyond the country’s borders (Middle East, Cyprus, etc.) is one of the leading companies in the industry and marks the developments in this area. The company’s people are made up of executives with extensive experience and high expertise, who guarantee timely, outstanding results based on high standards.
Business needs
Blacksmith’s in its constant drive to improve the quality of services offered and streamline its processes it continuously invests in the utilization of new technologies and of the most modern methods of recording, monitoring and controlling all processes, by the installation of specific IT applications and products.The company faced increased needs, problems and challenges in every project and could not be satisfactorily tackled by conventional semimanual or with limited functionality systems, or through independent and non-interconnected applications.This in combination with the absence of software applications that incorporate automation, safe procedure and accurate control rules, as required by metal pipe welding projects in all phases (boring & material delivery, stringing, bending, welding, coating, DTs & NDTs, repairs, lowering, cathodic protection, hydraulic tests, etc.), made any request for immediate and central information a difficult and prohibitively time-consuming task. The use of business intelligence (to the extent that it was available in computerized format) was limited and certainly much below the requirements and objectives of the company’s management, as it was often received late and using low-productivity tools.The project monitoring system required a radical reform, the management of interface with multiple sites simultaneously, automations for all processes and significantly enhancement of the correct and direct logging of checks and their results.At the same time, as regards obtaining and utilizing value business intelligence, the needs of the company grew continuously and required an immediate solution.
The Solution
The most appropriate solution was to combine harmoniously, business completeness, connectivity, flexibility, reliability, ability of operation by a number of remote users at outdoor work sites paired with a reasonable cost of purchase/operation, the implementation of modern technologies, ease of changes or scalability based on the specific needs of each project (e.g. transfer of gases or liquids), and new reports, etc.Furthermore, the system should be fully open, accompanied by a sophisticated business intelligent (BI) management system, a customer relationship management system (CRM), eprotocol and have an automatic interface with Microsoft Outlook. The choice to develop a special application to monitor metal welding projects, in combination with the BI and CRM products (all fully interconnected to a single aesthetic and functional environment) managed immediately and with great success to stand to the challenge, it managed to respondfully to the objectives of the company’s management and made the task significantly easier. framework an extremely open, modern and scalable environment, can directly serve both the current and future needs of Blacksmith’s.
The benefits
The special application is already contributing significantly to the business of Blacksmith’s. Processes and tests (destructive or nondestructive) have been automated and are easier to perform, logging works and results has already (form the first half of the year) accelerated dramatically and business intelligence is readily usable to assess and timely make business decisions to ultimately successfully achieve the main goals of the company, which are to optimize the quality of and speed project implementation, combined with the obvious need for the greatest possible savings. The operational problems of the past have now been resolved, both the management and managers know where, when and how to act in order to proceed safely and efficiently. The system has already been in constant productive operation (24×7) for six months with no problems reported and has become an irreplaceable tool in the hands of users. It ensures full availability and reliability and guarantees top results, confirming the technological vanguard and the competitive superiority of Blacksmith’s.