Digea is a digital signal provider and the exclusive provider of free-to-air digital television for all private national and regional channels in Greece. It was founded in 2009, with the aim of providing and developing a digital and modern television network, as well as informing and guiding viewers through the new television era. Being the sole provider having all the rights been to use radio frequencies for national and regional coverage, in 2014 Digea undertook and – with top-of-the-line technical equipment, specialized human resources and an excellent logistical infrastructure – successfully completed the project of digital transition, in accordance with the decisions of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), which defined the digital transition for European countries. As part of Digea’s firm commitment to leverage technology developments to optimize its services and add value to the audience’s television experience, its choice to partner with CGSoft and use applications from the leading Thesis Property platform for optimal managing its nationwide network of Broadcast Centers, brings it one step closer to realizing its vision of maximizing the television experience, enabling everyone to explore the world of free-to-air, digital television. At the same time, it confirms the top quality of Thesis Property portfolio management applications and their equipment, and of course, the related services, that CGSoft has been offering for years.
