2023, due to severe weather events, was a difficult year for many businesses, especially for the wine industry. It is obvious to all of us at CGSoft that we will stand, as always, next to the entrepreneurs in the sector, who honor us with the choice of Thesis Winery applications, supporting them multiple times, in a different way for each one, depending on their needs.

This year, we are once again here. Not only for our customers or partners, but also for any new or old winemakers who want to take advantage of Thesis Winery’s top-of-the-line winery software applications that we’ve been offering for years, in order to optimize their production and business management and successfully face domestic and international competition.

Detailed presentation of Thesis Winery suite applications you will find on our website while a video of the 2nd educational webinar that we organized for businesses in the wine sector, you can see here . Επειδή όμως τα λόγια συχνά περισσεύουν, ας μιλήσουμε με αριθμούς:

-20% on all Thesis Winery apps and licences


The offer applies to all purchases made in March 2024. To confirm each purchase, a corresponding deposit to a bank account is required within the validity period of the offer.

We would like to note that Thesis Winery applications are part of the intervention areas of most of the open PEP actions in relation to the wine sector (e.g. “Transition to innovative, extroverted and smart specialization”), ensuring to winemakers, an additional subsidy for their purchase (up to 50 %).

Hoping that you will take advantage of this offer, we remain at your disposal for any clarification or additional information.